Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Magician

This is the second card in the deck, called number one, because the zero is the Fool. I took this picture in the gallery of the Boulder public library. I liked how it was a transparency, so there are pictures within pictures within pictures. You can see sculptures, people walking, even a face. It reminded me of how the mind functions, in distractions and layers. The magician, having a clear intellect, never gets lost in the labyrinth of the mind.

It is our work on the planet to find our way through the labyrinth of the mind, and the Magician is a master at finding his way and helping others to find their way as well. He is known as a master of illusions, because he is able to see beyond the illusion of the earthly plane. This is what gives him the power because he can juggle ideas, space and time...never losing a ball!

If you come to see me as your guide, we can explore your particular dilemmas, moral confusion, and explore what is the right and truthful action. It is always very exciting for me to see someone energetically shifting. In other words, I can hear their heart saying 'Got it'!

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