Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Lovers

The Lovers is the sixth card of the Major Arcana. I took this picture of my daughter and her boyfriend at a party given by my son. After photoshopping it, I liked it so much that I said to myself, "Eureka! This is my card for The Lovers!". I felt I captured a moment where they seemed free of all external distractions and were truly enjoying each other. The way I photoshopped it, they seem to be floating in the universe, which enhances the meaning of the card.

For me this is the card of union from within, finding integration and self-esteem as in the union of two lovers. Once in a while if a person asks a specific question about their love life, they may pull this card. However, it usually pertains to the individual and falling in love with one owns soul at the highest level and taking responsibility for that love. To fall in love with ones soul is to realize why we came on this planet. We are all an aspect of the energy of the universe. And how can we be totally responsible for this falling in love with life 'as is', bringing a quality of light as in sun and feather.

This love allows us to take the challenge as a peaceful warrior that we have read about. You don't look for love, you look to give love.

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