Thursday, October 7, 2010

Get a reading from me this weekend!

I will be in Colorado Springs this weekend for the Celebration Metaphysical Fair at the auditorium downtown. It is on Friday from 1-9pm, Saturday from 10-7, and Sunday from 10-5. Below is the website with directions and more information. Hope to see you there for a reading.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Teacher

It is the fifth card of the Major Arcana. I deliberatly choose a picture of the earth that I saw in a children’s book at the beautiful library in Boulder to illustrate the meaning of the card. Last night I watched a documentary about our known Universe hosted by Carl Sagan.

He was saying how unique , how magnificent the planet Earth is. If we reflect on it we sense in our being that we come for a certain length of time on the planet Earth to learn to experience the profound mystery of being, to realise the privilege of our experience in living LIFE, to embody this experience by being compasionate because being human is not for the Sissies!

We read,we talk, we teach about love, kindness,understanding, now we have to “walk the talk”.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


This is the 14th card in the Major Arcana. I choose this photo because it really expresses for me how various parts can integrate and have overall feelings of harmony. I was standing in front of a building that has glass walls in the front and back. So that not only did I photograph my reflection, but also the reflection of the landscape behind me and also the landscape that could be seen in front of me through the back glass door. I felt that it created a very pleasing surrealistic impression.

Most of our life's work is to integrate and combine the light and dark sides of our nature so that we can express ourselves in the world in our own unique way. Take the time to reflect on your gifts and talents. Opposites attracts, and when they blend together they create greater possibilities to live a more passionate and wholistic life.

The Moon

The Moon is the 18th card of the Major Arcana. This picture was taken near where I live. When I looked up at the moon near what looked like a chimney, it reminded me of Paris for some reason. So I had to take a picture and then the following day I decided it was a very good moon picture for the deck.

Is the Honeymoon over? Are you moonstruck?

A classic line of spiritual teachings is "Don't look at my finger pointing at the moon. Look at the moon directly!" These are various expressions inspired by the moon.

Pay attention to your dreams, they reveal an aspect of yourself that is compromised in the social world. They usually show your desire to be more authentic in your daily life. If you have the gift of remembering your dreams, it is an invitation to work with them. Keeping a journal would be very inspiring so that you can look deeply into your nature.

Enjoy the reflection of the Moon, don't be deceived by it. The Moon is an invitation to go inward so that you can reflect on what you are about in this world and how you express yourself. Look at your relationships. Maybe try to be more authentic with the people you come in contact with in your daily life.


The Justice card is the 8th card in the deck of the Major Arcana. The photo for this card is a stone scultpure created by 'The Fool' in the Boulder Creek. For me it ipetomizes balance.

If you are drawn to this card is it time to restore balance. Are you finding yourself in a difficult situation? Are you honest with yourself and others about the way you feel? Is your health being compromised? Are you true to your commitments? Is your check book balanced? It might be time to change jobs.

This card is a message of the Universe to trust your ability to adjust, to change, to remember that you have wanted this change for a long time. It might also be time to look in your closet, drawers, basement. Have a garage sale! Unclutter your head and space so that you can bring clarity, order and balance into your life. Being in nature near water is very healing for you.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is the 12th card of the major Arcana. This picture was taken in Santa Fe by the pond of a dear friend of mine who was sitting watching the fish, this inspired me to capture this moment. The following day I said to myself 'This is the picture of the Hanged Man!'.

If you could take a picture of your life up to now, could you visualize the effect? Now turn it upside down. Look deeply, see if you can have a fresh overview of your past. If you were to pick the Hangman it is a sign that you are rendered immobile by the force of your repetitive and destructive patterns and it is high time to look at why. You might feel stuck and even numb. You feel like a prisoner of your life, constantly restricted by the rational of your mind telling you why you can not move. If you free yourself from your tyrannical mind and observe without judgment you can create an energetic shift. It will free you from old patterns of survival. At this point your determination to become unstuck can release you from your self imposed limitations. It is a surrender to the authentic purpose of your life. Trust that your inner wisdom will illuminate what you desire deeply to express.

Your homework is to go to the children's playground and hang upside down. Or put your head between your legs...what do you see?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Tower

The Tower is the sixteenth card of the Major Arcana. Like with the card of Death and the Devil, people often have a visceral reaction to the fire and chaos usually represented in this card. But here again it is about renewal via deconstruction. For a few months I was pondering how to represent the Tower. When I came upon a stock of photos where this one jumped at me. It was created by doodling on the Polaroid emulsion after it popped out. I remember my child like wonder when the picture came to life.

The Tower is a symbol of our social conditioning; our survival mode; a structured safeguard to buffer, distort what we perceive as the frightening realization that change is the only constant.

This visual symbol validates your desire to heal, refresh, and restore the clarity and wisdom for your journey on the planet. This card is a reminder to renew your commitment to actualize who you are. Your body is the temple of your soul, so it might be time to diet, exercise, and have quiet moments. See if shedding people and situations is becoming a must to realign with the authenticity of your essence.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Star

The Star is the seventeenth card of the Major Arcana. This is the picture that I deliberately conceived prior to creating this card. The young woman is a dear friend of mine who lives in Santa Fe, where I go rather regularly. It is taken before sunset by a pond and she is holding a real ancient jug. I knew she would be perfect for the depiction of the Star.

The Star is a symbol of pure radiant energy manifesting in the world of forms. The card is a reminder that we are all potential vessels to contain and pour the precious light of this magnificent universe. The more we trust our destiny the more our destiny becomes a movement of balance and clarity in the world for all to see and benefit. This result in us experiences self sufficiency so that there is no neediness in our relationships. If all of this resonates in you, you are experiencing a deep recognition of your essence.

If you pick this card it is a reminder that you are both the director and the actor, so if you don't like the script you find yourself in it is time to change it. Know that you have the ability to do so. This card is about self esteem and loving oneself.


The Strength Card is the eight card of the major Arcana. Usually this card is represented by a woman standing by a lion, often she holding his mouth wide open. Which means the taming of the inner demon/beast in all of us. I decided on a collage I had done years ago. When I looked at it again recently it felt right, because in order to tame the inner demons you have to go within yourself and acknowledge them with compassion. The very going within creates the transformation of your demons into your allies.

If you picked this card during a reading it is time to clean up your inner temple! It is not easy to acknowledge ones weaknesses without judgment, but we are all human. We are the bridge between the beast and the divine. Only your longing for transformation will give you the strength, the courage, to look within.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Emperor

The Emperor card is the fourth card of the major arcana. This is the card of the pioneer that enters into unchartered territories, inspiring others to follow. This picture was taken in Santa Fe in the garden of my friends at sunset. The tree at some point was dying and we had to cut quite a few big branches. After a year or so it looked so alive and vigorous. The trunk with two main branches seemed to represent victory. So when I was looking for a picture representing the Emperor I felt this one was quite appropriate because it looked like a noble giant with his arms raised in glory.

The Emperor represents vitality and eagerness to discover. The Emperor also has to be careful about becoming angry and impatient with those that are not ready to follow him. He might start ahead of the others, and let them realize that they also want to go into the unknown.

If you pulled this card during a reading you have to take charge of your life. Reinvent yourself, try to transform the anxiety into excitement for the unknown.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Universe

This photo was taken at my home. It is a paper weight that a young man gave me as an exchange for his reading. I fell in love with it right away because as I looked at it I was reminded of William Blake's quote, "To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour". Looking into the glass ball, it reminded me of a picture taken in space. It happened that the very same week I had been wondering how to represent the card of the Universe. Since this card is also about synchronicity so I was delighted by the serendipity of the happening.

The card of the Universe is essentially about the art of seeing and experiencing the world around us. The micro reminding you of the macro and visa versa. It is about keeping your sense of wonder and excitement, about our journey literally and figuratively in the universe. If you were to pull this card you are in a phase of transition and ready to over come emotional blocks.

This card is a symbol of harmony between mind, body, and emotion. It is a reminder of the mysterious vastness that we are about. Celebrate your life and tune to the rhythm of your heart beat, your breath, and dance your problems away.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Death Card

The death card is the thirteenth card of the Major Arcana. This picture was taken in the winter in Santa Fe at twilight in the back of my friends house. It shows a naked tree in a landscape where the sun is already beyond the horizon. The combination of winter and the sun being set reminds me of a beautiful passing. I prefer the symbol of the tree skeleton, dead in the winter, to a human skeleton for this image has been depicted so much.

In a reading the symbol of death is more about the death of old patterns in order to give birth to transformation. It is a powerful message for it is "not about pruning the tree but about uprooting the tree of our old habits that do not serve us anymore." I use this image often because people tend to relate and understand what I mean by pruning versus uprooting.

If you pulled this card during a reading it is time to question: Are you stressed? Do you need to end a relationship? Do you need to confront someone in a situation? Do you fear the unknown of what comes next, realizing you have chosen to imprison yourself in a lie?

Don't seek the answers to these questions, but rather land mark on the potential to look at your life as deeply as you can. Imagine standing at the top of well, looking down and seeing your reflection in the water...way way below. It might be scary, but you have to look, not trying to seek comfort of a friend, a yoga class, of a martini! Look in that place in you that never dies, even though the questions hopefully will. This is an opportunity to step again into your life from a new space.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Devil

The devil is the fifteenth card of the major Arcana. I chose this picture to symbolize the devil because the devil doesn't exist. This sculpture suggests a body form but is a hollow shell. As the devil is a symbol, not a literal being, I thought when I saw the results of the picture it was my perfect devil.

Often the first reaction of a client when seeing this card is one of dislike. Much has been written and painted about the devil being a scary half beast half human. The devil partly represents our dark side, and often people don't want to own their dark side. We get scared of looking at our destructive/addictive nature. If we don't take the time to self examine our selves it will always be an unknown tempation.

This card also represents the attachment to the pleasure of the planet. Life is about embracing our human nature without becoming addicted to the earthly delites. It is also about being able to laugh at ones self. Enjoy being human, never forgetting that it is only a journey to another dimension. So don't postpone...practice your inner smile and look within.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Empress

This is the third card of the major arcana. This is a photoshopped image of my daughter in a tea shop in Boulder. I loved the way the light hit her face as she looked outside, and I clicked. To me she looked at ease with herself and pensive. I picked this picture because I felt the way I photoshopped it, the mood was strong and soft all at the same time. My daugher also happens to be a healer, she is a pilates teacher, and helps people heal themselves and that is what the Empress does.

The Empress is a symbol of respect, knowledge, kindness, compassion, and healing.

She is generous but don't mess with her.

Look within, and look around you. Are you being touched by some beauty existing in your field of vision, in the field of your heart. Beauty is useless and priceless, but you can't afford to not make an effort to find it, hiding in plain sight.

If you drew this card during a reading, I would say treat yourself to a good book, a beautiful plant, a rose, an embrace, even a massage. And think of someone you could share beauty with. We all need to create harmony, so search what needs your attention in your life. Find tuning ones energy is one of the most important things one can manifest. This is a very important tool to use in every moment of our life.

So, is your car filthy? Guess what, you will feel better if you clean it!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Hermit

The Hermit is the 9th card of the Major Arcana. I took this picture last summer right accross from where I live. The door was open, I stepped in and found myself in a magical corridor of green. I looked down and saw my shadow with the branch on top of the on green. I felt mysterious aloneness, as if looking at myself, outside of myself. At that moment I was definitely the Hermit.

The Hermit is not about socializing. It is about pairing down your life to the essentials so that you can reflect on your journey. The legend says that the Greek philosopher Diogenes was seen walking with a lantern, when asked what are you looking for, he responded "I am looking for an honest man". I think this is where the Hermit symbol came from. The Hermit is about looking within for the truth without the veil of rose colored glasses.

Should a person pull this card it is time to take a break from one's busy life, or ideally, go on a retreat. Isolate yourself for a moment, a night, a period to reflect on whether you are compromising yourself in a situation? A relationship? This is a good time to ask yourself: Are you postponing something? Are you not accepting your own truth? Do you really love the one you are living with?

Take the time to enjoy aloneness. As a zen master would say, "sit down, have a cup of tea".

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Fool

This picture was taken on the shore of the Boulder creek. The young man had just finished creating scultpures with stones in the water. He was the clear picture of the fool for love, creating something beautiful for its own sake and for our pleasure. I found out that it took him two days to create these sculptures, and dispite the wind these stones hadn't moved. The balance was incredible. I felt as though I had come upon a mystical scene, the creation with the creator.

This card is the zero, or first card in the deck, because as I said in the card, he is iconoclastic...he walks the earth to the beat of his own drum. He is represented often as a wanderer by a cliff. He can jump and not be afraid. In other words, he leaps into the unknown fearlessly never losing his sense of humor about life, trials and error, mistakes, and physical impedements.

When I see this card in a reading it is signaling to me that the person has to face his or her fears of change and practice laughter along the way. It is time to be brave. Rehearsing being brave is very useful along the way to leaving the body into the mystery of our being. It is a strong reminder that we are ON A JOURNEY!

This is a picture of our beautiful fools artwork.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Magician

This is the second card in the deck, called number one, because the zero is the Fool. I took this picture in the gallery of the Boulder public library. I liked how it was a transparency, so there are pictures within pictures within pictures. You can see sculptures, people walking, even a face. It reminded me of how the mind functions, in distractions and layers. The magician, having a clear intellect, never gets lost in the labyrinth of the mind.

It is our work on the planet to find our way through the labyrinth of the mind, and the Magician is a master at finding his way and helping others to find their way as well. He is known as a master of illusions, because he is able to see beyond the illusion of the earthly plane. This is what gives him the power because he can juggle ideas, space and time...never losing a ball!

If you come to see me as your guide, we can explore your particular dilemmas, moral confusion, and explore what is the right and truthful action. It is always very exciting for me to see someone energetically shifting. In other words, I can hear their heart saying 'Got it'!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Lovers

The Lovers is the sixth card of the Major Arcana. I took this picture of my daughter and her boyfriend at a party given by my son. After photoshopping it, I liked it so much that I said to myself, "Eureka! This is my card for The Lovers!". I felt I captured a moment where they seemed free of all external distractions and were truly enjoying each other. The way I photoshopped it, they seem to be floating in the universe, which enhances the meaning of the card.

For me this is the card of union from within, finding integration and self-esteem as in the union of two lovers. Once in a while if a person asks a specific question about their love life, they may pull this card. However, it usually pertains to the individual and falling in love with one owns soul at the highest level and taking responsibility for that love. To fall in love with ones soul is to realize why we came on this planet. We are all an aspect of the energy of the universe. And how can we be totally responsible for this falling in love with life 'as is', bringing a quality of light as in sun and feather.

This love allows us to take the challenge as a peaceful warrior that we have read about. You don't look for love, you look to give love.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just came back from Santa Fe and what an amazing experience

I was in Santa Fe for a little over 2 weeks stay with friends of mine and also giving readings in an exquisite boutique called Spirit in downtown Santa Fe. I was even able to work outside in the back of the store for the weather was for a few days delicious.

One of my clients was a medium despite herself. By medium I mean she is able to hear people on the other side who haven't left earths plane. She was very restless and not knowing how to close the portal between herself and very demanding and shameful souls. These souls were running her all over town, and ruining her life. I helped her give herself permission to say no, and was able to show her that it stemmed from her wanting to please everyone. She seemed to calm down after the reading and the rest is up to her.

It is an art to be able to see what is right for us and what is wise in any giving situation. What is the truth? Are you able to see it? As humans we have the tendency to turn our heads and avoid confrontation because we are afraid of not knowing how to handle the difficult situation. It is better to be clumsy at first, than to wait 20 years! But, even after 20 years, if you become brave enough to face the music you are earning your wings.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

If you are a local to the Boulder/Denver area and would like to meet me or have a reading you can call me at 303 818-8477. I will also be attending two fairs in March. They are:

Metaphysical Celebration Fair
Denver Merchandise Mart
March 12th-14th

or for more information go to:

I will also be at the:

9th Annual Winter Holistic Fair
March 20 & 21, 2010
Saturday & Sunday 10am - 5pm
Aztlan Center, Fort Collins, Colorado
(112 Willow St, east of North College Ave, north of Jefferson/Riverside)

for more information go to:

The Priestess

This is the picture of a young friend of mine, She happens to be very wise and when I saw her in front of a painting where she worked in I felt I had my image for the priestess in the Tarot deck I was creating.

The priestess is the third Major Arcana card in the deck. The priestess is a reminder to tap into the vastness of our being. She is not bound by time or space yet she is totally grounded in the moment.

If a person were to draw this card during a reading it could signify that they should trust their wisdom, and be true to their spirit. It is time to be authentic. Resourcefulness will help them persevere by putting the hard times behind them.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Chariot

Taken in Santa Fe in a friend's garden, this picture has an antique miniature chariot filled with an ancient jug. Both of these objects depict the feeling of enduring wisdom and the idea of movement. They embody the resilience and fragility of our life.

This card is number 7 of the major arcana. As a wheel is turning the center is perfectly still. So you must be when it is time to move physically or emotionally. If you were to receive this card it might be a good time to relocate or change something in your living situation or physical surroundings. So it is a good time to practice grounding yourself with meditation and or yoga. Deepen your awareness of the feeling you experience when you breath in and out, watching the expansion and the contraction. Practice at least 10 minutes a day for a week and see if you notice a change in your daily life.

Impressions on some readings

Connection with a young man
A young man came to my table in fatigues,seeming very lost and confused. He had the face of a black Buddha and was discovering, while still in the army, a strong spiritual yearning that had nothing to do with the life he had been leading up to now and was feeling very isolated. I empathized with him realizing what he was facing and I encouraged him to own to his experience no matter what.We both felt suddenly a strong tingling in the spine, I knew his spirit guide was connecting with him, I was grateful that he was validated and felt it would help him endure the remaining of his stay in the army.

As always in such moments, I felt very grateful to witness another human being. This confirmed the amazing mystery and vastness of our spirit. A presense visited us at my table that day and I felt the profound benevolence of the universe.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Sun

"...Inspire, Create, Motivate Others"
This card is a composite of a sunset in Santa Fe and a little girl in Boulder. The sun is a symbol of vitality and warmth while the child represents the eagerness to learn in playfulness. Together they are the synergy of caring for life and taking responsibility for healing. In the tarot language this card represents the Sun in the major arcana. If a person drew this card it could signify the need to take action, and/or to heal their body. Energy accompanies this card. It is about celebrating life in all aspects and embracing the drama without becoming attached to it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Eon Card

"...We are all related"
This tarot card is a combination of a photo I took of a sunset in Santa Fe, New Mexico and a photo I took of a Buddha head statue in Boulder, Colorado. This card symbolizes looking at ones life without judgement and playfulness. It is like taking a bird's eye view of humanity. The meaning is written on the card, so just click to enlarge so you can read.

Connecting with soul searchers

A reading is an invitation to visit a sacred place and feeling safe to do so with me as your guide. Sometimes it feels like a birth and I am the midwife. It is an energy phenomenon of which words are the tip of the iceberg. In a reading you and I take a bird's eye view of the map of your life. My role is to evaluate clearly and honestly your intention. It is also to assist you in your moving on. A reading is a chance to embrace your life up to this moment without sentimentality. A reading is a possibility to connect for the eternity of a moment with your heart. To unknot the thread of confusion. Together we create a space where we can mirror for each other the whole scroll of humanity. You have the exquisite opportunity to look at your life from such a distace that is not yours anymore, and witness within you the struggle between the social agenda and the longing of your heart. You have to decide what is Important.